Patient Newsletter - June 2023
23rd August
by Pier Health Group23rd August
by Pier Health GroupA Digital GP is a Doctor who has consultations with patients via video call or over the telephone as they are not physically present in the surgery.
If a patient needs a face to face appointment then the Digital GP will arrange for the patient to see a medical professional at 168 Medical.
This will either be another GP, a Physician Associate or an Advanced Nurse Practitioner who will update the Digital GP so that they can decide on any treatment needed.
168 and the P.P.G. realise this may cause anxiety for some patients, but be assured the quality of care patients receive will be no different to those who see their GP face to face.
Using askmyGP gives patients the opportunity to request a consultation with a GP of their choice. Whilst this is not always possible, due to GP availability and continuity of care for example, 168 make every effort to accommodate patients’ wishes and preferences.
We were delighted to see such keen interest from patients to attend our in-house askmyGP workshop on Wednesday 14/6 but we also regret to confirm that some patients were asked to attend on a different day, as we did not have enough room for everyone. On behalf of the Practice, we would like to apologise to those that made the effort and took time out of their day but could not come in, sorry.
Due to the successful attendance of so many patients, we are planning future sessions, hopefully on a monthly basis. The Practice is looking into ways of managing attendance, possibly by booking into slots.
Invites with new dates will be published shortly.
The practice has introduced a new initiative to meet the rising patient demand by being more efficient with existing staffing.
Patient demand continues to rise but unfortunately there is not a rise in available or newly qualified GPs. Thus, the Practice is employing new types of staff such as Physician Associates and Digital GPs. The Practice is also looking at new and innovative ways of increasing efficiency with existing resources and this has started a new triage system.
Once you log your request in askmyGP, the Practice administration team review the request and up to 50% of new requests are resolved by them, using approved clinical and administration protocols.
For the remaining requests, these are allocated by clinical priority, based on urgency. This review is completed by a senior clinician, who is solely focussed on triage, and they generally decide whether it requires an on-the-day response or if it could benefit from waiting until the appropriate clinician is available. This is described as “continuity of care”, which the Practice believes is the best approach to delivering the best care possible.
If your request is triaged as non-urgent you will receive a message via askmyGP informing you of this. If you are concerned or consider your need to be urgent please contact the Practice.
The Practice assures the PPG that most cases are dealt with within a few days, however, if there has been no contact from 168 Medical after 2 weeks patients are advised to make contact with the Practice again.
The Practice and the PPG realise this may cause some anxiety for patients but be assured that patients who need urgent assistance will be prioritised, and for those with non-urgent requests are asked for your patience and assure you that you will receive assistance as quickly as possible.
The national campaign for COVID vaccines has completed and at 168 Medical Group we delivered 1538 vaccines over two days. We invited a total of 3373 patients. For those that missed this round, please call 119 to organise a vaccination.
The Practice is starting to plan for Flu and Covid vaccines starting September and kindly ask patients to book with the Practice directly when we open up for bookings. This makes a financial difference to the Practice which relates to how many staff can be employed.
Our new building at Parklands is nearing completion; flooring is going down and doors have been installed. The building is due to be completed by the builders in July and we will then be allowed in to install all of our equipment, such as computers, monitors, chairs, information screens etc. We are planning to welcome our patients into the new building in September.
With our new premises we are also looking for any new initiatives that benefit patients improved health and wellbeing, such as yoga, meditation and so on. We would value any suggestions you might have – please contact the PPG.
Please look out for our new check-in machines that were recently installed; one is on the ground floor and one is on the first floor, opposite reception. We are offering this service with the aim of reducing the need to wait in queues at reception.
Following the weekend, where the Practice is closed, we recognise and understand that patients can come across issues which they then want to discuss with their GP on Monday morning when the Practice opens.
If your request is more routine and less urgent, you might get a swifter response by contacting the Practice after midday on a Monday, as we spend the morning reviewing and focussing on the most medically urgent cases.
The PPG and the Practice welcome any ideas, suggestions and comments on anything that can lead to a better experience for patients.
If you have something you would like to share please feel free to email the Patient Participation Group.
There are many different types of medical reviews out there and it can be challenging to keep on top of them all, especially for patients with long term conditions such as diabetes or asthma.
The Practice recognises that sometimes the reviews seem to come around the same time and for almost identical reasons, hence the Practice is continuously working on improving the review frequency and amount, in order to minimise disruption on patients’ lives.
Whilst it is recognised that these reviews can seem to often and overlapping, the Practice also asks that patients continue to attend reviews as best possible: staying on top of the management of conditions has proven improved outcomes and means patients lead longer and healthier lives.
The Practice welcomes any offers from individuals to volunteer their time to our local community. You could help your fellow patients in accessing services, contribute to your local community and potentially even help other patients finding out about services that might be available.
According to Oxfam there are a number of reasons for volunteering. Here’s just two of them which the PPG have picked to share with patients:
- It’s good for your health
- You might meet new people along the way
If you are interested in giving some of your time, please email the Practice.
Our Patient Participation Group (PPG) currently has a full complement of face-to-face members but are happy to welcome virtual members.
Please contact us if you are interested.
We were sad to say goodbye to Becky Alford in May as she furthers her career in the Primary Care Network and thank her for all her great work whilst at 168 Medical Group – she was particularly instrumental in setting up the vaccination centre at Riverbank. It was one of the busiest vaccination centres in the whole country! Also, noteworthy of how she has built an excellent career already; she started with the Practice 9 years ago as an apprentice – impressive.
We wish her all the best in her new role as Head of Administration, Coding and Summarising for Pier Health (the PCN).
We are pleased to announce that Sophie Webber has been promoted from Administration Manager to Operations Manager.
Sophie has been in the Practice for many years and has performed many of the administration roles in the organisation so she is very knowledgeable and experienced. One of Sophie’s biggest assets is her insistence on providing the best care for our patients, by leading and supporting 168’s clinicians and administrators on a daily basis. In fact, one of her first initiatives has been to set up a Health and Wellbeing Committee!
The PPG welcomes Sophie to her new role and are looking forward to working with her.
This a call out to any of our patients, or more likely friends and relatives, working in agriculture or farming: Have you heard about the Junction 24 Farmers’ Health Clinic?
This is an initiative to help you access a support network of peers in the farming community and get your basic checks like blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugars.
It can be found on this website.
It has come to the PPG's attention that some older Apple mobile telephones may not continue to support the Patient Access App for much longer. Patients with affected mobile telephones are advised to use one the following methods to order their repeat prescriptions:
- Use the NHS App
- Fill in the request form attached to their prescription and deliver to the box by 168 Medical's main entrance.
- Telephone, or visit, their nominated Pharmacy and ask them to request items on their behalf.
As more and more of us are feeling the pinch with the cost-of-living rise, we have previously drawn your attention to 2 organisations that may be able to help with medical transportation:
- Worle and Weston Community Transport
- RSVP West
We would also like to highlight the new “On Demand” bus service covering, not just Weston, but a large geographical area; into South Gloucestershire and across to beyond Bath. It is called WestLink and more information can be found on this website.
In April, the CQC (Care Quality Commission – the organisation that oversees the safe running of GP Practices), reviewed 168 Medical Group and decided to retain our rating of “Good”.
We are very pleased with this confirmation that even under post-pandemic strains and cost of living crises, we have maintained the same levels of care.
Naturally, the Practice would like to achieve “Excellent” and are building plans to achieve the highest rating, in the future.
Recently, we enjoyed the support of Healthwatch Bristol to increase the use of “digital” NHS services through a number of workshops. Following on from these workshops, we have been given this useful overview of Digital Support services in our area:
Abbots Leigh
Flax Bourton
Locking BS24 8AR
Winscombe and Sandford
Dates and times vary depending on the venue. Free.
Tina Huckle-Mills
Phone or Email
Bring your own device.
65 High Street
BS48 1AW
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9:30am – 12:30pm. Free. Drop-in.
Phone to find out more.
Bring your own device.
31 Alexandra Place
Weston - super - Mare
BS23 1QZ
A great course for beginners. Free for Adults 19 plus.
To reserve a place or find out more contact.
68 Lonsdale Avenue
BS23 3SJ
Digital support. Free.
Enquire to find out more.
Dr Abbey Adams (mat)
Dr Mohammed Alam
Dr Emily Boulton (mat)
Dr Ann Byrne
Dr Christopher Clarke
Dr Kate Fretwell
Dr Nicky Friend
Dr Kevin Haggerty
Dr Alice Hardie (mat)
Dr Jenny Hartley
Dr John Heather
Dr Holly Paris
Dr Charlotte Reddick
Dr Juan Wadey
Dr Katie Wight
Helen Anderson
Sarah Cowlin
Pauline Dean
Bev Hemmens
Fiona Hooper
Andi Mackenzie
Helen Robbins
Caroline Shawyer
Adam Sloan
Chelsea Snelgrove
Marion Snelling
Magda Staszkiewicz
Jackie Walters
Robert Miller
Emily Allsworth
Laura Fryer
Amie Pulsford
Tina Snelling
Suzanne Thorne
Claire Turner
Katharine Abbott
Karen Jarratt
Kate Springell
Jayne Coombs
Bethany Searle (mat)
Emma Smith (mat)
Lisa Riddiough
Kirsty Millard
Physician Associate
Melanie Wedgbury