There is a team of nine Healthy Lifestyles Advisors who support this service, five of which are part funded by Pier Health PCN. The service provides tailored advice to help achieve health goals of weight loss, getting active, eating well and stopping smoking over a duration of 12 weeks.
Appointments are either weekly or fortnightly, in 1-1s or groups; in-person, via video call or over the phone. The topics of support follows a 12-week pathway, excepting smoking cessation which is a 4 week pathway. During sessions, advisors and patients we map out together:
- The challenges and opportunities to change patients identify;
- The barriers and sources of support for making and maintaining their changes, preparation for setbacks by unpacking various paths to each destination / goal and problem-solve how patients will overcome them.
- Advisors can also signpost to information, resources and local activities.
- A non-judgemental, focussed approach is key to the success of this service, guided by training in behaviour change theory, motivational strategies and communication techniques, conversations with patients focus on sustainable health behaviour change which aligns with their values, relates to personal goals and is concomitant with life experience.
Information for eligibility
Patients must live in One Weston.
The following BMI applies for the Lose Weight 12-week pathway:
- BMI ≥ 25kg in Caucasian adults
- BMI ≥ 23kg in adults of Black African, African-Caribbean and Asian origin
- BMI ≥ 23kg in adults with comorbidities
- Get Active Inactive, participating in less than 30 minutes of physical activity per week
- Eat Well Poor diet (scored against Eat Well guide recommendations)
The following applies for the 12-week Get Active pathway:
- Patient is currently inactive I.e. participating in less than 30 minutes of physical activity per week
The following applies for the 12-week Eat Well pathway:
- Patient currently has Poor diet (scored against Eat Well guide recommendations)
For the 4 week Stop Smoking pathway:
Naturally, there are some exclusions to the eligibility. An individual who does not meet the eligibility criteria is defined below:
- Has a severe or moderate frailty as recorded on a frailty register
- Has a diagnosed eating disorder
- Has a significant unmanaged co-morbidity
- Has had bariatric surgery in the last two years (applicable to weight management/eat well support only)

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